Aug 28Liked by dahvi shira

On point !!! I’m client side and always try to imagine the inbox of an editor … what I’ve learned : it’s always about understanding and respecting your audience

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Understanding your audience! Yes, KEY to working from any public facing side. I find that so many pitches clearly do not adhere to their client’s real demographic. I think sometimes there’s a perspective of the more eyes on a pitch, the better. But it becomes white noise after awhile.

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Aug 27Liked by dahvi shira

I can relate. These suggestions are right on and can be applied to many other industries. Relationships (even ephemeral ones) and relevance rule the day.

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thank you! i definitely agree these tips are versatile and can be repurposed for other industries. i want people to take a deep breath and take a step back. the constant state of urgency isn’t necessary! ;)

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